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Sometimes this sucks.

"Make a podcast. Do it. It'll be great. I'll listen, I promise!!!"

Those were the sentiments everyone gave me before I started this. It was insistent and constant. I couldn't make 3 TikToks without the comment "Please make a podcast, I could listen to you talk about anything." So I did. And now I'm sitting here half the time like, "what do I even talk about?" because I just dived into this without direction or guidance. Not that I was expecting anyone to hold my hand and tell me what to do but a little skunce of input would have been absolutely fantastic as now I have this platform and I'm trying to use it but I just don't know what to do.

True crime? Everyone is doing it. And when I say everyone, I mean it. Even podcasts or creators that weren't true crime centered have now delved into it.

History? Ehhhh, I'm dipping my toe in but I don't know enough about enough to really keep that going for longer than sporadically and in small doses.

Interviews? All my friends are introverted homebodies who don't want to be recorded or are too busy to do so. Plus, do you have anxiety? Cause I do and asking people for favors is so hard.

Music reviews? My music tastes are pretty niche and I'm somewhat of a music elitist and I really don't think people want to sit and listen to me ramble about some random artist they won't ever listen to.

I'm trying to keep my topics varied and not pigeon hole as much as other podcasts are dead-set on putting themselves into a specific category, I'm going the exact opposite direction and it can really suck. I have to kind of pull ideas out of my ass and hope that people are interested. What's even harder is when I spend a lot of time researching and compiling an episode that I'm super interested in and like the topic and it gets 2 downloads in a week.

That can be incredibly disheartening, especially when you don't know what other topics to try and cover because even though you're actively reaching out for input and feedback, you don't want to be a bother to anyone by bugging them.

This shit can really suck. I love doing this and maybe I need to do it just for me and not really pay attention to who or even if anyone listens to it.

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